
room noise中文是什么意思

  • 室内杂音
  • 室内噪声



  • 例句与用法
  • Criteria for evaluation room noise
  • Helps eliminate stage rumble or other low - frequency room noise such as that coming from heating , ventilation , or cooling ( hvac ) systems
    有助于消除舞台上的嗡嗡声或其他来自暖通空调( hvac )系统的低频室内噪音。
  • Working spaces , such as the machine shop , should be insulated , as far as practicable , from the general engine - room noise and measures should be taken to reduce noise in the operation of machinery
  • Engine room noises with effective control measures can satisfy the environmental protection requirement ( 55 db ( a ) in the daytime and 45 db ( a ) in the nighttime ) while guaranteeing the normal operation of the engine unit
    经过有效控制的机房噪声都可在保证机组正常运转情况下满足相应的环保标准要求,达到昼间为55db ( a ) ,夜间45db ( a ) 。
  • In practice , by applying an overall treatment , it is feasible to exert control over the leakage of engine room noises . if combined with the structural adjustment of the engine room , the control effort would be much simplified
  • This paper is based on the theory of environmental science , systematology and noise control engineering . noise control system and comprehensive harness of fan room have been researched . by the investigate , and measure of fan room noise . sound production principle , acoustics characteristic and the law of attenuation propagation have been analyzed . thus , the sound field model of fan roo has been put for put forward ward
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room noise的中文翻译,room noise是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译room noise,room noise的中文意思,room noise的中文room noise in Chineseroom noise的中文room noise怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
